Tuesday 9 July 2013

How to Increase your CIBIL rate or Credit history?

Sample CIBIL Score

Whenever you take loans, a data is submitted by lenders to credit reporting agencies like CIBIL (Credit Information Bureau India Limited) on a regular basis. If you have not defaulted and honoured your debt obligations, you are likely to get a good credit score.

Your CIBIL score directly depends on 2 factors:
        1. Secured Loans (Home Loans & Auto Loans)
        2. Unsecured Loans (Credit Cards & Personal Loans)

A good CIBIL score is important to improve your creditworthiness if you are planning to take a loan. A bad score means you are going to find it increasingly hard to get a loan or credit card. Generally, Banks will approve loans to persons or organizations who have CIBIL rating more that 700 in 90% cases. So always try to maintain healthy CIBIL Score.

Generally there are few cases with which you can maintain your CIBIL score high.

Rule 1: Always pay your bills on time. Late payments are viewed negatively by Loan providers and may affect the chances of your loan getting approved.
Rule 2: Keep your balances low. While the balances on your loans will only reduce over time as payments are made, you must be diligent about making timely payments on your credit cards. Also, you should control your utilization. For example, if you have used Rs. 90,000 out of a credit limit of Rs. 1,00,000, this may be viewed negatively by a Loan provider. It’s always prudent to not use too much credit.
Rule 3: Maintain a healthy mix of credit. Your credit history should contain a mix of a home loan, auto loan and a couple of credit cards. A high number of just credit cards may affect the chances of a loan approval. Why is it so, you may wonder. Although a credit card offers easy access to finance, it’s also by far the most expensive form of credit. More the number of credit cards with high utilization, larger are the payments resulting from its high rate of interest.
Rule 4: Apply for new credit in moderation. If you have made many applications for loans, or have recently been sanctioned new credit facilities, a Loan provider is likely to view your application with caution. This ‘Credit Hungry’ behaviour indicates your debt burden is likely to, or has increased and you are less capable of honouring any additional debt.
Rule 5: Think twice before closing credit card accounts. While, using credit cards may negatively impact your credit history, unused credit cards actually imply that you are financially secure. This makes Loan providers view your application more favourably.
Rule 6: Monitor your co-signed and joint accounts monthly. In co-signed or jointly held accounts, you are held equally liable for missed payments. This is extremely important because your joint holder’s negligence could affect your ability to access credit when you need it.
Rule 7: Review your credit history frequently throughout the year. Unpleasant surprises in the form of rejected loan applications can be avoided by ensuring that your CREDIT REPORT accurately reflects your current financial status. So reviewing your credit history 3-4 times each year is imperative.

Though these general rules are important to keep in mind, each loan provider has its own policies to sanction a loan to an applicant.

You can also check how much loan amount you are eligible which will be checked by Banks or Lenders regularly, depending on the loan eligible amount you can go to a bank and can apply for it. Every time you apply for Loan from banks which pulls your credit report, each time it generally reduces your points a few. So checking loan eligible amount is always better to do.


So give your financial life a direction and discipline it needs. Keep yourself free from worries.


  1. My application was rejected. Credit Sudhaar was my choice. Initially they were slow. But their counsellors were able to handle all my queries. I will give Credit Sudhaar a positive review.

  2. I had no idea my credit was bad. The guys at Credit Sudhaar analysed my report. The process took some time but my credit was restored, enhanced and protected. I have no reason for complaints.
