Wednesday 26 August 2015

Srikalahasti Temple and its prominence

Srikalahasti Temple and its prominence

Srikalahasti Temple is located in the town of Srikalahasti, in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. It is one of the most famous Shiva temples in South India. Located nearly 40 km from Tirupati City and can be easily reached through train, bus and air.

This ancient temple dedicated to Lord Shiva is one of the five Panchabhootha stalams (temples celebrating Lord Shiva as the embodiment of the five primary elements), air (wind) being the element in Srikalahasti temple; the other elements being water at (Jambukeshwarar Temple), fire at (Arunachalam Temple), earth at (Ekambareswarar Temple) and space at (Chidambaram Temple) that Shiva embodies.

Why the name is Srikalahasti?

Lord shiva has three devotees and all three uses to serve Vayulinga here in their own ways. They are the the Spider (Sri), the Serpent (Kala) and the Elephant (Hasti).

The elephant or Hasti used to clean the Shiva deity by watering the idol with the help of river-water carried in his trunks and pray for him by placing Bilva leaves. The spider or Sri tried to protect the deity from external damage by weaving his web and to provide shelter for the Shiva lingam. The snake or Kala used to place its precious gem on the linga to adorn the lord. In this way, they all worshipped the Vayu linga separately without knowing what the other was doing.

One day, the spider had built a very big and thick web around the vayulinga to protect it from dust and weather while the snake places its gem. The elephant not knowing this and assuming that this form of puja by Sri and Kala is a desecration by the seeming miscreants, pours water on it and cleans it up. This causes a fight between the three. The snake punishes the elephant by entering its trunk and in the process kills itself while the elephant runs amok and hits its trunk and head against the shiva linga. During this struggle, the spider is squashed against the linga by the elephant's trunk and the elephant dies due to the snake's poison. Lord Shiva then appeared and gave moksha to all three of them for their selfless devotion. The spider takes rebirth as a great king while the elephant and the snake reaches heaven for satisfying all its karma.
Appeased with their devotion, Lord Shiva gave them a boon that their names be merged with the Vayulinga and called as Srikalahasteeswara going ahead.

Srikalahasti famous for?

Srikalahasti temple has many stories linked to it. 

1.   Vayulinga, one of the five Panchabhootha stalams
2.   Patala Vinayaka
3.   Story of tribal devotee “Bhakt Kannappa” and his sacrifices
4.   Sage Agastya in Srikalahasti
5.    Arjuna during his Vanavasam
6.   Rahu – Kethu Sarpa Dosha Nivarana Puja, and many more

1. Vayulinga:

The Lingam here is swayambu , and it is white in colour. The Main lingam is untouched by the human beings , even by the priest. Abhishekam is done by pouring a mixutre of water , milk, camphor and panchamrita. Sandal paste , flowers, and the sacred thread are offerred to the Uthsava murthi , not the main Lingam. Even Kannappa has not offered his eyes to the main Lingam.

There is a lamp inside the inner sanctum that is constantly flickering despite the lack of air movement inside. The air can be observed even when the priests close the main deity room, which does not have any windows. When all the lamps in the sanctum glow steadily, one can notice two lamps flickering now and then, proving the Lord's inhalation and exhalation.

2. Patala Vinayaka:

Earlier there is not much water available at Srikalahasti. Sages and Pilgrims who use to visit Lord Shiva use to face lot of difficulties in performing poojas to Lord Shiva. Sage Agastya on his trip to Dhakseen Bharat was stopped at Srikalahasti and was asked to find a solution for the same.

Sage Agastya knowing that the fact that, Lord Vinayaka was relaxing near to temple after coming from Patala Lokam after killing Gajasura. Sage offers sincere prayers to Vinayaka so that he can put an end to this water problem.

Pleased with Agastya prayers, Lord Vinayaka removes sand from this place to the birth of Patala Ganga and soon turned into river.

3. Bhakt Kannappa:

Thinnan (later bhakt Kannappa) was a pure devotee of the Vayu linga of SriKalahasti which he found in the forest while hunting. Being a hunter, he did not know how to properly worship. It used to be said that he poured water from his mouth on the Shiva lingam which he brought from the nearby river Swarnamukhi. He also used to offer the Lord whatever animal he hunted, including swine flesh.

One day, Thinnan noticed that one of the eyes of the Shiva linga was oozing blood and tears. Sensing that the Lord's eye had been injured, Thinnan plucks one eye out with one of his arrows and placed it in the spot of the bleeding eye of the Shiva linga. This stopped the bleeding in that eye of the linga. Later, he noticed that the other eye of the linga has also started oozing blood. So Thinnan thought that if he were to pluck his other eye too, he would become blind to exactly know the spot where he has to place his own second eye over the bleeding second eye of the lingam. So he placed his great toe on the linga to mark the spot of the bleeding second eye and proceeded to pluck out his other and only eye. Moved by his extreme devotion, Lord Shiva appeared before Thinnan and restored both his eyes. Later then he was called as Kannappan or Kannappa Nayanar.

4. Sage Agastya:

When the hermits of Bilwaka grove pleaded with Sage Agastya on lack of water, he brought river Akash Ganga to the earth. As ordained by Lord Siva, Akash Ganga flowed as Swarnamukhi behind Sage slowly. The importance of this river is it flows from south to north direction, so also called as Uttara Vahini and sanctified the temple at Sri Kalahasthi.

5. Arjuna during his Vanavasam:

Before proceeding to Vanavasam, Krishna tells each of the pandavas to do something in the 12 years. Krishna suggests Arjuna to move south (Place nearby Srikalahasti) and mediate Lord Shiva for Pasupathastra. To test his mediation, Lord Shiva entered that forest as an animal hunter and due to word war between Lord Shiva and Arjuna, a battle took place between both and finally impressed by Arjuna's efforts, Lord Shiva gave him the Pasupathasthra which he uses in Mahabharat war.

However, for not recognizing Lord Shiva, he is born again as a devotee in the Kali Yuga as Kannappa Nayanar and finally got liberation.

6. Rahu - Kethu Sarpa Dosha Nirvarna Pooja:

Srikalahasteeswara Swamy Temple is reputed as the Rahu Kethu Kshetra, If the People who have Rahu Kethu Doshas and Sarpa Doshas, the un married and No children and those who are facing various problems for long period and perform the most effective Rahu – Kethu Sarpa Dosha Nivarana Puja in this Temple all the Doshas get removed and desired results occur.

How to reach:-

The nearest airport from the place is the Tirupathi which is at the distance of 40 kilometers from Srikalahasti. Tirupati is connected to Madhurai, Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore. Taxis are available to connect to the temple directly to Kalahasti.

There are many such state owned buses that are available from the nearby town like Vijaywada, Tirupati, Bangalore, Chennai and Nellore. The Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation is operating number of buses from the city.

Tirupati is the railway head that is connected to almost all the major cities of the country as well as from the state. 

Wednesday 6 May 2015

All way to Lord Narsimha Adobe - Ahobilam

Guide to Ahobilam

Ahobilam is located in Allagadda mandal of Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh. It is located at distance of 150 km from Kurnool towards its south and is part of Nallamala Hill range in Andhra Pradesh, apart from being a pilgrim centre, the other chief attraction of Ahobilam is adventure trekking to the 9 Narasimha temples located in the thick forests of the surrounding hills and that was our target to cover.

According to history, Ahobilam is the place where Lord Narasimha blessed Prahalada and killed Hiranyakashipu.
Ahobilam means great strength which was shown by half-lion, half-man Lord Vishnu who is in Narasimha Avatar. 

Ahobilam can be broadly classified into two regions: Upper and Lower Ahobilam

Our group in office were discussing something seriously and out of blue suddenly I came with an idea to travel Ahobilam. I personally thank my friends(Rohit, Somu, Adi, Maggi(Adi’s Wife), Gupta and Deepak) who are part of this wonderful trip. Ahobilam is generally a famous pilgrim center, but it will be liked by trekkers and travel enthusiasts as well.

This is how it started:

Finally the day was arrived and we all friends reached MGBS, Hyderabad by 9pm and boarded our bus to Allagadda. We have reached the destination next day early morning by 4:30am and we are able to get the first bus to Ahobilam which is at a distance of 20 km. By the time, we reached Ahobilam our guide Pawan <<can share number if needed>> was ready and he guided us to guest house which i have booked already.

Trek in Upper Ahobilam:

We started our trip to Upper Ahobilam in an auto and reached one of the 9 Narshima temples in the thick forest. We started our trek to Ugra Stambam (a huge rock which is believed to be the pillar from where Lord Narasimha emerged).  We borrowed some sticks from local people so that we can trek it easily as there is no proper way to reach the destination. Photos in the blog can explain how difficult it will be without sticks

The Nava Narasimha temples or the 9 temples are:

1. Ahobila Narasimha, the main temple located at Upper Ahobilam
2. Karanja Narasimha, located on the way to Upper Ahobilam
3. Malola Narasimha, can only be reached by a 2 km trek from Upper Ahobilam Temple
4. Kroda Narasimha, also called Varaha Narasimha Temple, half a kilometer trek from Upper Ahobilam Temple, on the way to Malola Narasimha
5. Pavana Narasimha, 7 km trek (one way) from Upper Ahobilam temple
6. Jwala Narasimha, 5 km trek from Upper Ahobilam temple
7. Bhargava Narasimha, Lower Ahobilam, reachable by road
8. Chatravata Narasimha, Lower Ahobilam, accessible by road
9. Yogananda Narasimha, Lower Ahobilam, road access.

We started our trek at Ahobila Narasimha temple and our final destination was to reach Ugra Stambam which is 7 km trek before we exhaust ourselves. In the mid-way we skipped our darshan at Kroda Narsimha temple and travelled through thin and narrow paths to reach Jwala Narsimha temple which is also called as gateway to Hiranyakashipu kingdom. This is place where Lord Narsimha killed Hiranyakashipu. There is a small kund over there which is also called as Rakth Kund and it is believed that lord narsimha has washed his hands after killing the demon Hiranyakasyup. As we have forgot to carry water bottles with us, we had water from that kund which is so pure and clean.

Below Pic show the path to Ugra Stambham:

Now we have started our trek to Ugra Stambam which is 3 km from this place and most of the crowd (95% of them) returns from Jwala Narsimha temple as they feel its risk to travel or may be because they are already exhausted. We started our trip with the help of our sticks and reached Ugra Stambam after 2 hours struggle. Once you reach the Ugra Stambam you will entirely forget the pain which you had to reach this local. It was just so awesome and mesmerizing. The thin cold breeze which touches your face makes you feel happier. We had short break over there for 15 minutes and started our return way. It was bit tough to reach again to Jwala Narsimha as you don’t have proper path to walk and offcourse you need to walk all the way on huge rocks. Finally we reached Rakh kund again and had small intake of water. Couple of my groupmates also needed medical attention including me, so we had a small medical need in Jwala Narsimha Temple. Thank god I carried all the pain killers and sprays with me.

As we reached our final target we have relaxed ourselves and started our trek towards Malola Narishma temple which is at distance of 2 km from Jwala Narsimha and after our darshan over there we moved towards Prahalada Guhhalu, that’s the place where Prahalada has studied in his childhood.

Finally we reached our last but one temple Kroda Narishima, temple in Upper Ahobilam and reached the starting point Ahobila Narsimha swamy abode after 6 hours of complete trek. Here we had our darshan and you have a small lake here, where devotees are offering their hair and having a holy bath. We are so exhausted and feeling hungry, so just went directly to Arya Samaj Annadana Satram and had our lunch. On the way to lower ahobilam we have visited Karanja Narsimha temple which is on road side. With this we completed our trek and exploration of Upper Ahobilam.

Trip in Lower Ahobilam:

As you know we have already covered 5 out of 9 Narsimha temples in Upper Ahobilam, to cover the rest I have booked a jeep and they quote bit high if we need to cover Pavana Narsimha temple which is accessible through off-road. We started our Lower Ahobhilam trip by visiting Yogananda narsimha temple which is 7 km from Ahobilam and on the return we have visited Chatravata Narsimha temple. Basically this 2 temples fall on one way and for last Bhargava temple you need to take another way for which you need to come Ahobilam again and visited the place in another 40 minutes and completed our trip by visiting.

Please reach to me, if you want to explore this place.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Belum Caves - Longest in South India

Belum Caves is one of the best destination in Kurnool dist of Andhra Pradesh. Recently my group has visited this place, which is brilliant and it will be an wonderful experience to everyone who visits there.

How to Reach:

Belum Caves is located in Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh. It can be reached from Tadipatri, Allagada or Jamalamadugu easily. People near by the Belum Caves are very much aware of the cave, but in late 1884 existence of the caves recorded by Mr Robert Bruce Foote. And in 2002 APTDC opened it to the public.

Belum Caves has very vast open chambers, deep passages, narrow columns and one can reach to a deep of 150 feet to reach Patala Ganga in Cave. Belum Caves is one of the longest cave explored in India after Krem Um Im-Liat Prah cave in Meghalaya. One can enter the Belum Caves by paying INR 50 for Indians and INR 200 to Foreigners at the entrance. Even though Cave is 3.5 km in Length, only 1.5 km is open to tourists because of unexplored area in cave.

It is believed that Belum Caves are used by Jains and Buddhists monks centuries ago and even one can find the baniyan tree and saint bed in Belum Caves which proofs their survival in cave. One who visits this cave feel relaxed once they step out and memorizes with the brilliant feel they experienced, the narrow passages, naturally formed chambers and deep tunnels to reach few locations in cave may be scary but it makes us feel good at last.

Please take your time out and do visit this caves as it is easily reachable compared to the longest cave located in Meghalaya, India.

Our Experience:

It was a tidy afternoon around 2:30pm after exploring #Ahobhilam earlier day followed by #Yaganti Caves we reached Belum Caves, but the moment we arrived the climate was so friendlier with chilled breeze from all corners which eased our tiredness. We could hardly see huge crowds over there. Entrance to cave was bit scary which has small staircase from top. But the moment you cross it, you will be completely spellbound by the brilliant locals.

The path leads us to vast open chamber with some beautiful naturally formed stalactite around you. Follow the sign boards across the cave through which we can explore the cave, here one has to be careful with the path as it may confuse at time. The main places which can be mentioned here are:

1. Kotilinga Chamber
2. Patala Ganga
3. Banyan Tree Hall
4. Saint Bed, and more

There was bit of suffocation inside the cave, but APTDC made certain arrangements in few chambers where blowers are arranged to get fresh lease of air inside cave. We are in the cave for nearly 2.5-3 hours and have captured some wonderful images in our SLRs. I suggest one to carry a good camera and water with them while they enter. I wish you plan to travel belum caves and feel the beauty.

Monday 16 June 2014

Yaganti and Yaganti Caves - Place of Indian Nostradamus

After our successful trips in recent time, my group has planned to visit Yaganti and its Caves adjacent to temple which is located in Kurnool Dist, South AP (Rayalaseema Region) and here I want to share some vital information which I gathered.


It is located nearly 10 km away from a town Banaganapalle, where one can reach from Cuddapah or Kurnool or Allagadda which are connected with National Higways. Yaganti is famous for "Sri Yaganti Uma Maheswara Temple" which was build in 15th century.

As per puranas, Sage Agastya wanted to build a temple for Lord Venkateswara on this site after finding Lord statue in a cave while in his yatra to Dakshin Bharat after completing his North India theerthyatra. However, even the statue was swayambhu (Naturally born) but could not be installed as the toe nail of the idol got broken. The sage was upset over this and performed a penance for Lord Shiva. When Lord Shiva appeared, he said the place suits Shiva better as it resembles Kailash. Then, sage asked a boon to Shiva to reside in this place for eternity with Mother Parvathi. So this place is called as Umamahesware (Uma: parvathi, Maheswara: shiva) temple. The shrine contains the statue of Shiva and Parvathi on a single stone.

Yaganti Caves:

There are three caves located in temple premises and each has its own importance.

1. Venkateswara Cave: The damaged idol of Lord Venkateswara is present in this cave, as the status has broken toe it is not worshipped. And it is used to be said that Lord statue was available here even before Lord resided in Tirumula Hills.
2. Rokkala Cave: Also called as Agastya cave and this is the place where Lord Shiva Linga was worshipped even now and to believed this is the place where sage performed his penance( tapash ).
3. Veera Bharham Cave: Small cave compared to the other two. Another sage Veera Bharham who predicted the future similar to Nostradamus has written his some of "Kala Gnaanam" here. 

Intresting Facts of Yaganti:

1. Growing Nandi: People and devotees believe here that the Nandi present in temple premises is growing in size. To trace the fact, ASI (Archaeological Survey of India) performed some tests and declared that the rock grows at the rate of 1 inch per 20 years. As per Sage Veera Bharham, the Nandi will come alive and shouts at the end of Kaliyuga.
2. Presence of Crows: While sage Agastya was performing his penance, crows disturbed him and he cursed that crows cannot enter the temple area. As crow is vahana of Sani Bhagwan, It is believed that Lord Shani cannot visit this place. So you cannot find a single crow in this surrounding area.  

Sunday 3 November 2013

Guide to Tirumala - Tirupati and its importance

Guide to Tirumala-Tirupati:

Tirumala Venkateswara Temple located in Tirupathi in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh in Southern India is most prominent shrine in this planet. The temple is located upon a range of 7 hills considered holy place by Hindus. The temple is amongst the richest and the most visited holy place in the world.

Meaning of Venkateshwara: Veenka means Papam (Sins), Tesha means toliginchavada (who clears) and eswara means lord shiva. It means Lord who clears sins of people in this Kaliyuga.
Daily pujas in Tirumala Venkateshwara temple starts with Annamaya’s Suprabhatam and ends with Vengamamba Aarti. Kaliyuga is after Dwapariyuga and Venkateshwara swamy was born in Kaliyuga and called as Pratikshaya Daivam. Lot of people travel to Tirumala from across the world and I want to share my travel expenses and may act as a guide who visits for first time.

Tirumala : Its is a place where Sri Lord Venkateshwara Swamy temple is located along with Sri Varaha Swamy temple and few other prominent places.
Tirupati :  It’s a place where several historical importance temples are located and is a major economical and educational hub in the southern region of the state.

Places to Visit in Tirumala:
  1. Lord Venkateswara Temple
  2. Sri Varaha Swamy Temple
  3. Pushkarini
  4. Sri Vari Padalu
  5. Papavinasanam Teertham
  6. Akasaganga Teertham
  7. Chakra Teertham and more
Places to Visit in Tirupati:
  1. Govindarajulu Temple
  2. Kapileswaraswami Temple
  3. Srinivasa Mangapuram
  4. Iskon Temple and more
Other Prominent Places nearby Tirumala-Tirupati:
  1. Thiruchanoor
  2. Kanipakam
  3. Sri Kalahasti 
  4. Athirapally Waterfalls and more
How to reach Tirupati-Tirumala:

Tirupati can be easily reached by Air, Train and Road which has connectivity with all major cities in India and Tirumala is 40 mins travel from Tirupati by road which has connectivity with buses every 2 mins from Bus Stand and Railway Station.

People often go to Tirumala by walk which can be reached by crossing all 7 hills(Venkatachalam). There are 2 popular ways to reach the adobe.
  1. Alipiri: It is the longest way (nearly 4200 steps and 9kms around) and most preferred way by devotees. It can be reached easily from all corners of tirupati. It will take around 4-5 hrs to reach the top of hill.
  2. Sri Vari Padalu: It is located nearby Srinivasa Mangapuram and has 2100 steps which will take around 2 hrs to reach the top of hill.
Accomadation in Tirupati-Tirumala:

Devotees who are willing to stay in Tirumala need to book a room prior to thier journey from TTD counters which are located across all major cities. Room can also be booked through internet booking ( where payment can be done by all major credit/debit cards. Rooms are available at various price ranges starting from INR 50.

Note: There are no private lodges in Tirumala, so make sure you book a room if you want to stay in Tirumala or else need to stay in Tirupati which has all major restaurant and lodges spread  across the city.

Things to do in Tirumala:

1. Don't darshan Lord Venkateshwara Temple without having a bath at Puskarini which is collective of 5 holy waters.
2. Devotees should make darshan of Lord Varaha Swamy temple before visiting Lord Venkateswara Swamy, because the entire 7 hills belongs to Varaha Swamy and as Venkateswara Swamy wants to stay in 7 hills so he requests Varaha Swamy to allocate some space in mountain. Varaha Swamy asks why i should give you space, then Lord Venkateshwara says whoever come for my darshan they will visit you first and then next to me, if they do that then their wishes will be fullfilled.
3. Don't walk with chappels in 7 hills as it is a place where Venkateshwara Swamy himself born there which is equivalent to Lord Vishnu born place.

Other Important facts of Tirumala:

1. Place where Venkateshwara Swamy stays also called as Seshadri refers to Sesha dasa of Lord Vishnu with its head at Tirumala, mid part at Ahobila and tail part at Srisailam.  
2. Daily after Suprabatam, the first darshan will happen to a Huntman (Boyavadu in Telugu) because he is the first person to see Lord Venkateshwara Swamy avatar in Kaliguy. Even today their family person only will have darshan first. 
3. Venkatachalam (7 hills) is one of the prominent hills in South India and the other one is Arunachalam which is hill of Lord Shiva. In Scanda Purana it was said as Venkatachalam was directly brought from Vaikuntum.

Spiritual Doubts of Lord Venkateshwara Swamy:

1. Varaha Swamy and Venkateshwara swamy both are avatars of Lord Vishnu, still Varaha Swamy will not provide space in Venkatachalam because this is Kaliyug. Probably this might be first lease happened in this Kaliyug.
2. Avatar of Lord Venkateshwara Swamy is not to kill anyone. It was only to marry Lakshmi Devi and in this Kaliyug she borns as Vedavathi (Padmavathi).

Friday 11 October 2013

Ramayya Vasthavayya Movie Review: Simple revenge drama with new packing

Ramayya Vasthavayya Movie Review: Simple revenge drama with new packing

Junior NTR is back with his second movie in this year after his Baadshah and Harish Shankar was running high with his Gabbar Singh. This two for the first time came with Ramayya Vasthavayya. Will it break Pawan Kalyan's 'Attarintiki Daredi' Collections? Let us see how it has fared at box office.

Star Cast: Jr.NTR, Sruthi Hassan, Samantha, Mukesh Rishi, Rao Ramesh and more.

Plot: Ramu (Jr.NTR) is a college going student falls in love with Akarsha(Samantha) in his first sight, where she stays with her sister and grandmom in Hyderabad. In the process Samantha also falls in love with Ramu and she invites him to her sister’s marriage. 

Samantha is daughter of Mukesh Rishi who is a rich bad guy who has a treat from some unknown force. After Mukesh Rishi’s daughters marriage he receives a treat call stating he will be killed in next one hour and then Ramu decides to save Mukesh rishi from goons. 

Will he succeed in saving Mukesh Rishi? Will he gets samantha’s father approval for marriage? Who is Amulu (Shruthi Hassan)? How Amulu and Ramu are related? If you want to know all this, come on grab a ticket and watch it at big screen.

Movie Highlights:
1.       NTR dialogue from “Daana Veera Soora Karna” in introduction
2.       Glamourous Sruthi Hassan and Samantha
3.       Interval Twist
3.       Horseride by NTR
4.       High energy levels and dialogues by NTR
5.       Background score

Movie Negatives:
1.       No comedy quotient
2.       Songs seems to copied from old Thaman movies
1.       Weak flashback episode     
3.       Predictable climax

Plus Points: NTR was slick & slim and performed his best, carried this movie entirely on his shoulders. His dialogue delivery was apt. Samantha in first half and Sruthi Hasaan in Second half were so beautiful. Chota.K.Naidu did a wonderful job in showing all 3 leads colourful. Background music by Thaman was good and he maintained the same throughout the movie. Interval twist was good and carried the movie to second half with huge expectations.

Minus Points: There was no separate comedy track in movie where we miss all big names. Songs in movie are melodious but seems Thaman has copied a lot from “Mirapakaya” movie which may not effect a lot overall.

Final Verdict: Ramayya Vasthavayya has its own limitations as it was a revenge drama and family audience will highly appreciate this movie because of NTR’s performance and ultra glamorous heroines. Don’t compare Ramayya Vasthavayya with Attharintiki Daaredhi which we normally does whenever we get a big heroes movie after a blockbuster. Finally Ramayya Vasthavayya is wholesome entertainer with good story and brilliant performance by star cast.

Friday 27 September 2013

Movie Review : Attarintiki Daredi

Movie Review : Attarintiki Daredi

Power Star – Pawan Kalyan, Once upon a time need to address him as brother of Mega Star, now scene has reversed. Now Power's stamina is like Rajini in TamilNadu. After CGR, Power Star has shown his Power Mania with #Attarintiki Daredi directed by technically brilliant director Trivikram Srinivas. And as long as Heroes are seen as demi gods in India, no Piracy can kill any movie. For Example is our #Attarintiki Daredi. Let us see how it was fared at Box Office.

Star Cast: Power Star Pawan Kalyan, Samantha, Pranitha, Boman Irani, Rao Ramesh, Nadiya, Bhramanandam, Ali, Mukesh Rishi, Kota and more.

Plot: Raghuram (Boman Irani) a major business tycoon in Italy is grandfather of Goutham Nanda(Power Star). At old age Raghuram wants Nadiya as reconciliation with him for what he did in past. Nadiya is a head strong daughter of Raghuram where she elpoes with Rao Ramesh and marries him in the past. Now Raghuram sends Goutham to bring back his aunt to Milan and take her property which she kept away for 25 years because of the father-daughter differences. Goutham joins as driver in Nadiya house where she has two ultra glamorous daughters Prameela (Pranitha ) and Shaasi (Samantha ). What does Goutham do after entering Nadiya house? Will he marry Prameela or Shaasi? Will Nadiya comes back to Raghuram? This is what is #Attarintiki Daredi which need to seen at Big Screen.

Plus Points: Action packed performance by Power Star Pawan Kalyan will remain main attraction to the movie. Glamour department was fulfilled by heart Throb Samantha. Nadiya, OMG she is not at all looking like Atta.

In First Half, the movie revolves around the story forming, how goutham enters nadiya house as driver, how he lures prameela and shaasi. It was full of entertainment and power star trademark acting. Second half was more with comedy and sentiment, but promise you will love the episodes between Powerstar and Brahmanandam which will recall all the Jalsa comedy episodes. Well Done Pranav my boy J

Music by DSP was good compared to his previous albums, but re-recording elevates the mood of audience in second half. Photography and songs picturization were brilliant. Trivikram who was famous for his dialogue writing for Nuvve Naku Nachav, Nuvve Nuvve, Jalsa and more given wonderful punch lines and when delivered by Power Star, “Vatiki vacha Kick a varru abba”

Direction and screenplay by Trivikram Srinivas, where he intelligently narrated the bonding story of “Father – Daughter” and incorporated love in between of “Bava – Mardalu” which made the movie full too family entertainer which is rare from a big star in recent days of Tollywood.

Minus Points: Long Sentiment episodes in the second half and unnecessary scenes like where Goutham says to buy Railway Station which seems bit heavy digest. Movie filled with more twists which may be avoided but it’s due to tight screenplay from Trivikram.


1.       Power Star – Pawan Kalyan
2.       Trivikram Direction
3.       DSP Background Score
4.       Samantha glamour
5.       Kevvu Keka comedy episode
6.       Mumtaj (Kushi fame) and Hamsa Nandini song
and many more

Verdict: Film was tailor made for Power Star where he fully unleashed his performance in full and fury. It’s a combo pack of Comedy, Sentiment, and Action which was single handly handled by PK. Though film was pirated and with its huge budget of 55 crores in making. Collections in box office will be like currency Tsunami. My opinion don’t miss this action packed entertainer which is rare now days where a super star performing in family entertainers.